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祝祭日・行事の名前の英単語 | 英語好き集まれ!


愛鳥週間Bird Week
アメリカ独立記念日Independence Day
海開きopening of the swimming season
運動会Sports Day
遠足field trip
大みそかNew Year's Eve
元旦New Year's Day
祇園祭Gion Festival
キャンプcamping trip
勤労感謝の日Labor Thanksgiving Day
敬老の日Respect-for-the-Aged Day
夏至summer solstice
建国記念日National Foundation Day
原爆記念日Atomic Bomb Memorial Day
憲法記念日Constitution Day
交通安全週間Traffic Safety Week
ゴールデンウィークholiday-studded Golden Week
国民の休日Citizen's Day
こどもの日Children's Day
御用納めclosing of government offices for the year
歳末大売り出しyear-end bargain sale
三社祭Sanja Festival
十五夜night of full moon
終戦記念日Anniversary of the end of the War
秋分の日Autumnal Equinox Day
春分の日Vernal Equinox Day
成人の日Coming-of-Age Day
節分Bean-Throwing Ceremony
戦没者追悼記念日Decoration Day
卒業式Graduation Ceremony
体育の日Health-Sports Day
大寒coldest season of the year
大暑Japanese midsummer day
父の日Father's Day
梅雨rainy season
天皇誕生日The Emperor's Birthday
冬至winter solstice
動物愛護週間Love-for-Animals Week
時の記念日Time Day
読書週間Reading Week
土用の丑の日the hottest day of the summer
夏休みsummer vacation
入学式Entrance Ceremony
バースデイパーティーbirthday party
花見hanami picnic
母の日Mother's Day
春休みspring vacation
バレンタインデーValentine's Day
彼岸equinoctial week
ひな祭りDoll's Festival
避難訓練fire drill
冬休みwinter vacation
文化の日Culture Day
法事memorial service
ほおずき市ground-cherry fair
命日memorial day
山開きopening of the climbing season
雪祭りsnow festival
立夏first day of summer
立秋first day of autumn
立春first day of spring
立冬first day of winter