海軍将校 | naval officer |
閣僚 | Cabinet member |
幹部将校 | ranking officer |
公務員 | public servant |
市議会議員 | member of a municipal assembly |
副総理 | Deputy Prime Minister |
陸軍将校 | army officer |
海軍兵士 | sailor |
外交官 | diplomat |
外務大臣 | Minister for Foreign Affairs |
環境大臣 | Minister of the Environment |
区議会議員 | member of a ward assembly |
経済産業大臣 | Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry |
警官 | police officer |
検察官 | prosecutor |
県議会議員 | member of a prefectural assembly |
厚生労働大臣 | Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare |
国土交通大臣 | Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism |
財務大臣 | Minister of Finance |
参議院議員 | member of the House of Councilors |
衆議院議員 | member of the House of Representatives |
政治家 | politician |
税関職員 | customs officer |
総務大臣 | Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications |
総理大臣 | Prime Minister |
大使 | ambassador |
党員 | party member |
党指導者 | party leader |
党総裁 | the president of the party |
東京都議会議員 | member of the Tokyo metropolitan assembly |
内閣官房長官 | Chief Cabinet Secretary |
農林水産大臣 | Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
復興大臣 | Minister for Reconstruction |
文部科学大臣 | Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
法務大臣 | Minister of Justice |
防衛大臣 | Minister of Defense |
陸軍兵士 | soldier |