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名詞の使い方|amount | 英語好き集まれ!




abnormal amount of snow「異常降雪量」

a large amount of A「多量のA」

amount of money to be raised「募金の目標額」

a small amount of A「少量のA」

considerable amount of money「かなりの金額のお金」

download large amounts of data「大量のデータを取り込む」

equal amount of salt and sugar「同量の塩と砂糖」

immense amount of work「膨大な仕事量」

in excess amount「度を越して多く」

insignificant amount of money「少しの金額」

in small amounts「少し」

issue huge amounts of government bonds「大量の国債を発行する」

measure the amount exactly「分量を正確に量る」

pay back one's debt in small amounts「借金をちびちび返す」

pay the amount equal to $100「100ドル相当の金額を払う」

process massive amounts of image data「大量の画像データを処理する」

provide a vast amount of liquidity「大規模な資金供給を行う」

reduce the amount of salt「減塩する」

rice using low amounts of pesticides「低農薬のコメ」

set a limit to the amount「量を制限する」

significant amount of energy「かなりの量のエネルギー」

suitable amount「適当な量」

take the wrong amount of medicine「薬の分量を誤る」

the agreed amount「約束の金額」

the amount of coins in circulation「硬貨の流通量」

the amount of loan「貸し出し額」

the precise amount of seasoning「ぴったりの量の調味料」

tremendous amount of rain「すさまじい量の雨」

trim the amount of unsold products「売れ残り商品を減らす」

unknown amount of water「大量の水」

Each year, Japan produces an amount of biomass equivalent to 14% of its annual crude oil imports in terms of energy generated.

He eats huge amounts.

I paid a huge amount of money when I had my car fixed.

Large amounts of auto loans to individuals became irrecoverable.

Many papers say he's hiding a tremendous amount of money in many banks overseas.

No amount of grief will bring back the dead.

Recycled use of waste is increasing, but a large amount continues to be disposed of in landfills.

The amount of lump-sum retirement payments to directors and in-house auditors is usually decided by the board of directors following approval at a shareholders meeting.

The amounts of yen sold in the currency market by Japanese monetary authorities started to balloon last fall.

The minivan has a huge amount of interior space.

The stock split has it possible for individual investors to buy the issue with smaller amounts of money.

This amount won't be nearly enough for the project.

This building has fire insurance in the amount of \200,000,000.

What is this amount for?

What's ABC's rank among the other banks in terms of amount of savings?
